Friday 16 July 2010

Back in Action

So you all probably notice I haven't been doing my challenges lately. I sincerely apologize for my lack of blogging. The last two weeks have been keeping me really busy. Since my last recipe, I've been cooking meals that I've already posted. Well, today is a new one! Yesterday, I had no idea what to make since I wanted something light and healthy. I asked my husband what he wanted for dinner and he told me, "Shrimp Tacos". In my head, I was saying "Shrimp Tacos... I can't imagine that being good!"When people tell me they had fish tacos, I've always wondered if they were any good. I'll admit it: I've never tried tacos that didn't have the standard beef, chicken, pork or veggies. So Shrimp Tacos it is....

Recipe of the day : Shrimp Tacos

Ingredients/Grocery List: Total Spent: £13.83 (went over but it fed more than two servings :) )

2 packages of peeled and cook shrimp (about 1 pound) - £5.98
2 medium riped avocados - £1.00 (on sale for £0.50p each
2 medium tomatoes - £1.38
3 garlic cloves minced – (had it already)
1/4 cup of cilantro/corriander(how the UK says it) - £0.79
3 limes - £0.90
Shredded Lettuce - £1.00
Jamaican Jerk Seasoning - £1.06
Corn Tortilla - £1.72
Fresh Ground Pepper
Sea Salt

Preheat the oven for 200 C. Wrap corn tortilla in foil and place in oven for ten minutes.

First, cut and dice the tomatoes, and avocado. Place it in the bowl but don't mix it yet. Add the minced garlic cloves, chopped cilantro/coriander, a few dashes of fresh ground pepper and sea salt to the bowl. DO NOT mix the bowl. Now grate rind of two of the limes. Add this to the bowl. Now you can mix the ingredients very gently with a big spoon. Cover with film or foil and place in the fridge for at least 20 minutes before serving. While the filling is being chilled, start chopping the lettuce and set aside. On medium heat, place the shrimps in the skillet and add few dashes of Jamaican jerk seasoning. Cook for 3-4 minutes. Assemble the taco and Serve! Dinner is Done!

I must admit, I didn't think shrimp tacos could be good, but boy was I wrong. I absolutely loved this meal. It was light, healthy and, of course, delicious. Oh, and it is extremely easy and quick to make. My husband enjoyed it as well and asked me to repeat this meal again sometime in the future. This meal will definitely be repeated. Now, I can't wait to try fish tacos. Hope you all enjoy this meal!

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